50 ways to make an effective marketing strategy for your new restaurant in Australia

As an owner of your organization, you are responsible for effectively communicating with the general public about your products, services, and brand narratives. In addition to wearing several hats and trying to grow your team, finding the time to ensure that your marketing strategy is on track may be difficult to manage effectively.

Your customers are the driving force behind your company's success, and you know it. It is your customers that keep your business moving forward, whether they are regulars who know every member of the staff by name or visitors from other towns who stop in for the free internet and then rave about the food and service.

As a consequence, marketing for restaurants is critical in Australia: it helps you bring in new customers, expand your clientele, and keep your current walk-ins coming back for more. And the recent COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized this even more strongly. It is increasingly difficult to compete with establishments that have successfully altered and upgraded operations to improve safety, contactless experiences, and digital ordering capabilities since consumer expectations have evolved.

To stand out from the crowd, you must first establish strong relationships with your customers and then provide an exceptional dining experience. Restaurant marketing strategies are the greatest approach to getting started. Advertising and marketing initiatives, whether digital or otherwise, may be quite effective in bringing customers back to a company again and time again.

What does it mean to the marketing of a restaurant?

The marketing of a restaurant in Australia involves making your restaurant or foodservice concept visible to the public and offering your services in return for their patronage. It has a huge impact on the growth of a restaurant's reputation. when down to its bare essentials, marketing is nothing more than a plan for engaging your target audience. To successfully reach your target audience, there is no one method, but rather a sequence of actions executed across several platforms.

The marketing of a new restaurant:

The restaurant industry in the in Australia is in a precarious position. If you want your business to stand out from the pack, you'll need to invest in restaurant marketing.

You can't think of marketing your restaurant as a tool to move your business forward, but it's all about connecting with your customers wherever they are and developing strong relationships. Knowing the transformative power of hospitality as a restaurant owner, you're able to give your clients a warm welcome even if they're not in your place thanks to restaurant marketing.

By increasing both in-person and online visits to your company, restaurant marketing allows you to increase your revenue. Other benefits of restaurant marketing include:

  • It improves client retention and increases customer lifetime value.
  • As a result, the firm gains new employees.
  • It aids in disseminating your company's mission, vision, and purpose.
  • It helps to spread the word about the company's products.
  • New customers and markets may be reached this way.
  • Involvement in the local restaurant community is facilitated by it.
  • It gives you the chance to build new business relationships and collaborate with others.
  • It gives distributors and suppliers more avenues for cooperation.

Luxury pulls-up banners by vivid for restaurant marketing:


In what way does a restaurant's marketing serve?

It is usual for restaurants to maintain track of their year-round marketing efforts by creating and using a restaurant marketing plan pdf, which is used to organize and manage all of the restaurant's marketing operations.

The first stage in building a marketing plan for your restaurant is identifying your business's target client or market segment. This is a specific group or cohort of the general public whose patronage you want to attract as a result of their behavior, preferences, and values being consistent with your company's brand, purpose, and vision, among other factors.

The next phase is the development of buyer personas: A buyer persona is a representation of who you think to be your most frequent consumers, as well as how they engage with your company's products and services. In the case of companies, there are generally many buyer personas.


What differentiates a good restaurant marketing plan from a less successful one?

A restaurant's planned marketing activity for each of its several marketing channels is laid out in a year-by-year timetable on a calendar.

When developing a successful marketing strategy for a restaurant, it is important to include an overview of all of the company's present and future marketing efforts, which should include:

To achieve the campaign's aims, the following are listed: What do you want to accomplish by putting this campaign together? Do you want to increase the number of people who follow you on social media? Want to increase the sales of a certain food item? How can you increase the number of individuals that sign up for your loyalty program? Having a clearly defined goal from the beginning of your campaign is critical to its success.

How long do you expect this campaign to stay active? As an example of a limited-time offer, consider a voucher that can be used for the next two weeks or radio advertising that will air once a day for the next ten days.

What is the marketing channel that will be used for a restaurant?

A discount/promotional website such as Groupon, for example, is a wonderful way to market your products or services.

Does your campaign have a spending budget and a strategy for how you will spend your money? While it may cost several hundred dollars to sponsor a local minor league club (and have your name printed on their jerseys), a YouTube advertisement may only cost pennies per click (or cents per click).

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics that are used to evaluate the efficacy of a marketing campaign (KPIs). Sales and revenue growth or decline, total tickets sold, loyalty/rewards signups, and social follower growth are all examples of marketing performance measurements.

If you want your restaurant to have a strong online presence, you must market to the appropriate audience. It seems to reason that the more realistic your customer personas are, the more likely it is that you will attract the right clientele and keep them coming back for more.

 Here are 50 of our favorite free and low-cost local marketing ideas to get you back into the flow of things if you have fallen out of the marketing habit.

1-     Contribute to Fundraising Events for Charities

Donating gift cards to charity auctions is a fantastic way to get exposure while also aiding a local nonprofit organization at the same time. The more popular the restaurant, the more money the charity will be able to raise, and the more attention you will get as a result of your efforts to promote it.

2-     Create a Referral Marketing Program to aid in the acquisition of new clients.

For new items, word-of-mouth recommendations from delighted consumers are very effective in generating phone calls and resulting in product sales. Set up a referral marketing program to encourage previous customers to tell their friends about their positive experience, and to compensate them for doing so.

3-     Use of Sidewalk Chalk is Recommended

Create a piece of public art that will be placed on a sidewalk or other public space. Enhance the experience even further by encouraging your neighboring restaurants to follow your lead and create something notable for people to see and talk about with their friends, all within walking distance of your restaurant’s location.

4-     Join a restaurants networking organization to further your professional development.

It is possible to boost the number of persons who will promote your organization to their friends and colleagues by expanding your network of restaurants specialists. For the best return on your time investment, join an established large group that meets regularly and has a strict attendance requirement. Please get in contact with me if you would want a recommendation based on your restaurants’ needs and the location where you live.

5-     Locate a Referral Power Partner who can help you (RPP).

Because they offer a comparable product or service to other restaurants’ clients or customers, certain restaurants are a natural suggestion for those clients or consumers. For example, car body shops often recommend their customers to personal injury lawyers and chiropractors for treatment. Find a firm that services the same customer like you and work together to develop a mutually beneficial relationship.

6-     Increasing the overall quality of your Yelp images.

An extremely high number of individuals will be able to find your firm via Yelp. Take the time to verify that all of the information is correct and that all of the images are of great quality before submitting the document.

7-     Developing Relationships with Influencers in Your Local Community

By enlisting the support of individuals who have large social media followings comprised of people who are interested in the products or services you provide, it is feasible to get access to a new audience. Start engaging with their staff, and you may find yourself being asked for future collaborations.


8-     Create a Facebook Live video and send it to your friends to share with them.

Facebook has now gone to great lengths to promote live video streaming to an extreme degree. Take the time to film a brief live video message to go out to your page followers to better communicate your message. This will aid you in conveying your message more successfully.

9-     SlideShare is a website where you may post presentations to be shared with others.

When you disseminate your information and message on the internet to as many people as possible, you boost your chances of being found by new people who may be interested in your product or service.

10- It is recommended that coupons be made accessible.

A repeat-purchase certificate for your product or service is a wonderful way to attract a customer to return to you in the future or to recommend your restaurants to a friend who has never heard of you before.

11- Stickers!

The distribution of stickers to customers, consumers, and youngsters is an excellent way to spread the word about your organization in a fun and engaging way... That is something I did say.

12- Customers should be encouraged to snap photos of their meals while they are eating them.

Increased exposure from new potential customers is a result of the number of social media posts about your brand that are made by your existing customers.

13- Organize a Photo Contest to showcase your work.

The submission of photos (maybe of local food) by customers and members of the community will be assessed, with gift cards being rewarded to the winning entries. If you can have your contest publicized by the local media, you will have achieved success in your endeavor.

14- Create a Google My Restaurants account for your restaurants.

The Google My Restaurants listings for your restaurants are the most important online listings you can have since they are the most visible. It is vital, given the fact that Google handles more than 80 percent of all internet search traffic, to ensure that Google has all it needs to show off your website. Check out your Google My Restaurants listing, or create a new one from the ground up.

15- Send out electronic newsletters regularly.

Newsletters that are sent to your email list at predefined intervals and include very engaging content may assist you in increasing sales and raising awareness of your restaurants’ name and logo. To get started, you may sign up for our email list, for example.

16- When uploading to Instagram, hashtags should be used to identify the post.

To help identify the topics addressed in an Instagram post, hashtags are used to help identify them, and many users search for interesting posts by subject to locate them. Take advantage of this search traffic on Instagram to increase the number of people who follow you.

17- Make use of Facebook Events to your advantage.

If you want to spread the word about your event to those who are already on Facebook, the Facebook Event is a terrific tool. When planning a marketing strategy for a public event, it's important to include a Facebook event. They are included in our event marketing packages, which we create regularly.

Create a Video Blog Video is the new image in the world of blogging, and you can take advantage of it. People prefer to watch videos rather than read articles, listen to podcasts, or navigate through social media platforms, according to recent research. If you are willing to share your expertise, you may find yourself on the road to becoming a video influencer yourself in the future.

18- Make a plan for your social media updates.

Identify the various social media platforms that your intended audience uses and begin posting to them on the same day(s) and at the same time(s) each week. The process of creating a following takes time and work upfront, but it will pay off in the long run by lowering your ongoing marketing expenditures.

19- Consider the work of your local newspaper's reporter.

In your town or hamlet, there is probably definitely at least one little newspaper that you can read. Consult with the reporter and create a working relationship so that when you have something to say, you will be more likely to get attention from the local media.

20- Make a Pinterest board to organize your ideas.

Do you sell a product or provide an aesthetically pleasing service? Post images to Pinterest so that others who are looking for inspiration for what you do might subsequently find you and your work can be discovered. Those who visit Pinterest are motivated to purchase in some manner.

21- Preparing a 30-second introduction for your video is essential.

Develop your ability to deliver a 30-second pitch that includes information on who you're pitching to, what they need, and what pain or pleasure you're attempting to relieve. The vivid multimedia display can be used for this purpose: https://www.vividads.com.au/products/multimedia-displays

22- The Best Way to Create a Fake Facebook Account

As soon as you have a sufficient number of followers, you may request a "username" on Facebook, which automatically updates the URL of your page and so makes it easier to share on promotional materials.

23- Create an infographic on the subject of your choice.

Produce an infographic to portray what you do in a manner that is important to your community, city, or a specific cause, and then distribute it to others who are passionate about the same things you are.

24- Photographers from all around the world are invited to participate.

To get admission to eateries, photographers must first locate some foodstuffs to capture before approaching the establishment. Inform local photographers that you would want them to come in and photograph your lunch if you believe it is worthy of their time and attention. Inquire about obtaining the photographs, and urge them to publish the best of them on social networking sites such as Facebook and My Space.

25- Customers should be contacted to complete customer satisfaction questionnaires.

It is feasible to get insight into how to improve your service by surveying your current and previous customers. Consumers and customers will see that you are interested in their pleasure, and some may opt to become repeat customers just because you enquired about their experience. When it comes to sending emails, MailChimp is a solid choice.


26- Engaging social media material should be created and shared.

People on social media are squandering their time by communicating with one another through their mobile phones, according to a new study. Make the time and effort required to create interesting stuff that people will want to see and enjoy. Make use of the support that is available.

27- Participate as a volunteer in a nonprofit or community event to help others.

Organizing charity events is a fantastic way to increase the awareness of your small restaurants while simultaneously contributing to a worthwhile cause. Identifying great events or organizations with whom to partner may be made easier with the help of your staff.

28- Reddit is a terrific way to meet new people and make new friends.

Currently, it is the most popular and largest online forum restaurant on the internet, with over 100 million registered members. If you like, you may interact with an application or a website. Distributing useful material to a targeted topic group is an excellent method for increasing traffic to your website and increasing your brand's awareness.

29- Ensure that your employees are working to their full potential.

Employing brand ambassadors to help spread the word about your restaurants and attract new customers is an excellent way to maximize your marketing efforts and reach new customers. Consider launching a campaign among your friends and family from time to time to get things moving and to assist in spreading the word on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

30- Instructions on How to Create a Chatbot in the Cloud

Customer service representatives who are accessible to speak online may assist you in bridging the gap between their trips to your retail store and their visits to your website. The usage of these tools is straightforward, and they give website visitors a straightforward means of getting in contact with you right immediately.

31- Write an article for Pulse magazine on LinkedIn's website.

Owners and employees should be required to utilize the professional social networking site LinkedIn to be successful in their jobs. By writing a Pulse article and encouraging your employees to share it, you may raise awareness of your brand within your network.

32- In your neighborhood, organize a Treasure Hunt for children.

Consider hiding something of acceptable but modest value that is related to your firm and promoting a treasure hunt to find it to increase local visibility and knowledge of your brand. Make a strategy before presenting your choice to the public.

33- consideration for publishing in the newspaper.

Consider writing an article for your local newspaper that is similar to the ones you have seen in the paper to spur yourself into action. In addition to breaking news, a holiday celebration, or a national problem that is pertinent to the newspaper's audience are also possible topics. Contributions written in the form of an article are more likely to be accepted than those written in other styles. Public flags are best option for marketing: https://www.vividads.com.au/collections/flags-1

34- Consult with Others Regarding Your Product or Service

The restaurants could invite customers who are pleased with their service to offer feedback on a platform of their choosing. Create an incentive plan for your named servers, and you will get bonus points for doing so.

35- Organize a lesson or an event for your students.

To reach a larger number of prospective clients, it is highly recommended that you promote your restaurants’ event. Make a point of participating in events sponsored by your local government, chamber of commerce or downtown partnership to get exposure and experience.

36- Organize a drawing for restaurants cards to raise funds.

Obtaining customer restaurants cards and building a marketing list for your firm is an excellent method to begin started. Individuals who have joined your competitions may be reached out to through email marketing and phone calls, which are both effective techniques of reaching out to them.

37- Strategies for Obtaining Free Media Attention

You must first register with Help a Reporter Out to be included in an email list of writers who are looking for sources for articles they are writing for the top one-million websites in the world in terms of traffic (HARO). If you'd want us to handle your website SEO for you, please see our website SEO services page.

38- Fill out an application for restaurants awards if you want to be considered.

Restaurants awards, among other things, may assist you in reaching a larger audience and establishing credibility for your firm when your logo is shown on your website or other marketing materials, among other advantages.

39- Make any necessary modifications to your Chamber of Commerce's restaurant listing.

Make sure your restaurants’ listing in a chamber of commerce or downtown partnership is up to date if you are a member of one of these organizations. Improved SEO is a simple technique that everyone can do.

40- Create a gift guide for your friends and family members to use.

Around gift-giving events (such as Valentine's Day and Christmas), people hunt for gift ideas to give to their loved ones. If you create an online gift guide for your product or service, you may be able to boost the likelihood of a gift transaction occurring for your restaurants.

41- Obtaining prospective clients' mobile phone numbers and email addresses are essential.

Because text marketing has a far greater open rate than email marketing, it is starting to supplant email marketing as the preferred method of communication. Make sure to acquire both contact keys so that you may send marketing messages to your customers.

42- Enhanced professionalism in the design of restaurants cards

For most individuals, the physical feeling of holding a restaurant’s card is the most important initial difference they may make about a person. Using project glue and sand to create sandpaper back on their restaurant’s card, a roofing contractor will stand out from the mass of competition.

43- Invited to Make a Guest Appearance on a Radio Show

There are a plethora of radio stations that are always on the search for fresh guests to appear on their shows. Search the internet for the interview programs that you hear on the radio to see if they are searching for guests, and if so, who they are wanting to invite on as guests.

44- It is recommended that samples be distributed.

Present samples to people who pass you by on the sidewalk or in a high-traffic area in your community while you are walking.

45- Maintain a watchful eye on your competitors.

Keep an eye on the online presence of your local competitors so that you may take the best ideas from them and implement them into your restaurants. After a time, what you see will inspire you to come up with new ideas that no one else has thought of yet, since you will have gained valuable insight.

46- Balloons should be distributed to the public.

 During Observations and Activities in the Local Environment. Balloons are great marketing tools when they are given to youngsters as presents. People should be encouraged to participate in parades, festivals, and other community activities by handing out balloons during these occasions.

47- Promotions and special offers

Using your feed to announce special bargains or limited-time promotions is a terrific strategy to grow your audience. It guarantees that your consumers are constantly connected, ensuring that they do not miss out on the next promotion. You may also test new offerings to determine whether they're popular and successful before distributing them to a larger audience.  Poster for special offers are best for more sale: https://www.vividads.com.au/products/posters

48- Show off your culinary skills.

The greatest method to market your restaurants, in my opinion, is to use tempting food photographs. Customers who can imagine what they could be eating go far further than those who can just read a description. If you're in a hurry, simply take out your phone and shoot some photos, but if you have the funds, hiring a professional photographer may be worthwhile. Just bear in mind that these photographs may be used for more than just social media, making the investment a little more manageable.

49- Showcase your team.

People want to get to know you if you're a tiny neighborhood eatery. They're curious about why you began your restaurants, what inspired that unique burger flavor, and who your staff is. Get their permission first, then think of ways to highlight your team and what makes them special. To make it simpler for consumers to empathize, they may even yell out their favorite menu item of interest.

50- Participation of the community

Why not highlight your involvement in the local community? Discuss the topics you care about, volunteer opportunities with your team, and charitable fundraising activities. You must ensure that this sort of assistance is part of your restaurants’ goal, but if it is, people want to know.


Benefits of digital marketing strategies to restaurants:

Marketing has become more important for all businesses as a result of worldwide shutdowns triggered by worries of an economic slowdown. Through an examination of their advertising decisions, restaurants may get valuable insight into how to improve their online and offline presence.

It is feasible to overcome the barriers posed by the recession by using a variety of tactics in conjunction with enhanced marketing efforts. Be innovative to overcome your obstacles as well as those of your customers. Instead of relying on traditional marketing methods to achieve this goal, use these five basic ideas to promote your restaurant on the internet instead.

With digital marketing, you may expect lower costs and higher returns.

Advertisement and marketing expenses should, without a doubt, be included in your restaurant's financial planning. Restaurant owners should be creative and come up with original marketing tactics to promote their establishments, especially during difficult economic times. In the COVID-19 pandemic, inventiveness is essential, whether it's taking orders for collection or setting up booths to minimize interaction with the public and other food safety protocols.

When it comes to helping restaurants boost their recognition, digital marketing expenditures tend to outpace traditional advertising prices. The establishment of an online presence is frequently accompanied by a steady stream of visitors to your site, as well as the collection of their data.

When you have access to e-mail addresses, digital advertising becomes far more efficient and cost-effective to run. Instead of spending a lot of money on a newspaper advertisement, you might send your offers straight to your customers' email addresses. Additionally, when targeting your local market using email marketing, you can personalize your efforts, which is difficult with traditional advertising.

In the case of a single e-mail, prepared and disseminated by a specialized email marketer, it reaches a large number of recipients. Social media marketing is another low-cost approach to reaching a large number of customers with a single post.

Additionally, social media advertising efforts might be included in the mix to get great results at a cheap cost. In addition to the fact that posting on social media is free, placing adverts on sites such as Facebook and Instagram is also a reasonably priced option. You may also keep track of how effective those campaigns were, which is useful when developing future restaurant marketing plans.

As a result of these rapid and successful marketing strategies, restaurant owners would often get a better return on their online advertising spend than they would see if they employed traditional advertising approaches.

Personalization and the reputation of a restaurant brand

Digital marketing platforms have become the de facto norm for establishing a brand's personality and reputation. The vast majority of customers will go online to check for new menu items, upcoming events, and special offers at their favorite dining establishments.

With time, mobile marketing has grown into the key search tool for hungry diners. Restaurant operators may increase their market reach and establish personal relationships with their customers by making sure their website is mobile-friendly, having a Google My Business account, and implementing text message marketing.

To show long-term clients that their business is valued, VIP tables and promotions, as well as other unique offers, may be supplied. If you want to emphasize the value that frequent customers bring to your company, incorporate a few trade secrets in your recipes or give them instructions on how to uncover the restaurant's hidden menu.

Promote your website using a blog and provide extra content that you know your customers will find useful and interesting. Set up a regular newsletter in which you may talk about your issues and accomplishments while also describing how you are aiding your community in navigating these challenging times. Writing a wonderful "feel good" story and spreading it via email and social media is something everyone likes.

By offering information and soliciting feedback, you may improve audience engagement and interest. You develop a brand identity that is characterized by delicious food, compassion, and sharing throughout the process, which draws customers to your tables. The brand's exposure increases as a result of this.

Information about restaurant advertising

It is simple to monitor the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns, and they may be altered on the fly as needed. However, traditional advertising takes far longer to deliver effects and is significantly more difficult to measure.


When it comes to seeing the outcomes of their advertising campaigns, restaurant owners will have to wait many weeks or months. The outcomes of digital marketing campaigns, on the other hand, maybe collected in real-time and reviewed on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, depending on the platform.


Digital marketing organizations and restaurant marketing teams may use Google Analytics and AdWords to analyze and alter their ad campaigns while on the go, according to the company. If you see that your advertising material is not generating the expected results, you can quickly update it in a short amount of time by using a different approach.


In terms of immediately modifying plans or delivering fast data, traditional marketing cannot give this kind of responsiveness. In addition, traditional advertising tactics, unless used in isolation, make it difficult for restaurant owners to identify the source of successful advertising approaches. When it comes to advertising, focusing only on traditional methods is not recommended in today's digital environment.

Restaurants that have a large digital audience Digital

The ability to easily share content on social media networks is also beneficial for digital marketing efforts. Another benefit that traditional marketing tactics can not provide is the ability to target specific audiences. Because digital advertising content can be shared widely, information about your company has a broader reach than ever before.

Your social media postings may reach a worldwide audience even if you just have one restaurant in a single city. Although there may not be a large number of foreign visitors at any one moment, things may and do change. In the future, you may be able to attract more national and international customers to your restaurant provided your advertising reaches the relevant audiences.

The same is true for worldwide restaurant chains. Internet marketing is a cost-effective technique to keep your target market up to date on the latest offerings from your establishment (with country adjustments). A worldwide audience may be reached with digital marketing, which would otherwise be impossible to reach through traditional advertising methods.

Restaurant customers are the intended victims.

Traditional marketing has limitations when it comes to customer targeting and segmentation. Your advertising campaign can only go so far in terms of reaching the appropriate audience, regardless of whether it is broadcast on television, published in local magazines, or published in newspapers. Digital marketing places a strong focus on specialized segmentation into smaller specialty units, as opposed to traditional marketing.

Online material is monitored and then made available to users who have looked for something specific using social media algorithms, for example. Especially if they've been looking for restaurants, there's a strong chance your sponsored ad for that establishment may surface on their account. Customers and you both receive exactly what you want out of the deal.


When expenses are cut and segmentation and targeting are better, conversion success rates are increased. When it comes to marketing in the restaurant industry, conventional methods are hit-or-miss.


For the restaurant owner, internet marketing and promotion have become so focused and specialized that it has overtaken the use of traditional marketing methods in terms of effectiveness. Digital advertising efforts are also more tailored to the person, which is something that cannot be achieved via traditional media. The likelihood of people sharing and engaging with your content is significantly increased, which adds to the benefits of digital advertising over traditional advertising. As a result, digital marketing assists restaurant owners and customers in developing strong brands more quickly and efficiently while getting more bang for their cash.


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