43 Marketing Strategies for Australian Hotels Hospitality Businesses

A sophisticated and diversified issue, hotel marketing has the potential to squander a lot of time and money without yielding substantial benefits. Hotels must take a strategic approach to get the best outcomes, combining the fundamentals with cutting-edge new tactics to attract today's customers.

When it comes to hospitality marketing, these tactics and concepts may assist you in meeting the core objectives of building brand awareness and increasing demand, regardless of whether you run an independent hotel, inn, bed, breakfast, hostel, or vacation rental.

To keep one step ahead of the competition, you must be able to adapt your strategy on a frequent basis to match the changing demands of the market. So, what are the most efficient methods of hotel marketing that are now available? Let's have a look at it together.

A hotel marketing plan should be flexible enough to change with the seasons, the years, and the market conditions that arise. In the next section, you'll find a list of some of the most up-to-date marketing strategies for today's market.  The following are some strategies for the marketing of  hotels in Australia:

Marketing strategies for marketing of hotels

1. Create a marketing plan for your product or service.

According to the old saying, a goal without a plan is only wishful thinking. To ensure that your marketing activities are focused and successful, developing an annual marketing plan is a vital first step.

When developing a marketing strategy, the following aspects should be considered:

  • An overview of the market and the most current developments in the hospitality industry
  • Marketing goals, brand positioning, and the competitive landscape are all important considerations.
  • Identifying responsibilities and functions
  • Markets that should be pursued
  • Goals, techniques, and performance metrics that are tailored to each channel
  • Packages and special deals are available

Marketing channels include paid advertising, third-party listings, social media, email marketing, guest loyalty programs, collateral, trade fairs and events, partnerships, public relations, and online reputation management, to name just a few examples.

Yes, that is a significant chunk of money! You are not required to do the task entirely on your own. Keep in mind that a marketing plan should be a live document, with monthly performance reports and procedures that are adjusted as needed to get the best possible results. Keep up with the most recent marketing trends to ensure your success. The hotel business is seeing some changes. Display marketing plan in the corridor for the customers by using vivid banners such as https://www.vividads.com.au/products/premium-pullup-banners

2. Create a list of the people that will be your target audience.

The process of identifying your target audiences and concentrating your efforts on acquiring them is far more efficient than attempting to be all things to all people.

Provide answers to the following questions to define your target audience:

  • Who do you think would make the best attendees for your event?
  • Which question do they want to answer at the end of their journey?
  • What city do they consider to be their home?
  • How did they find information about your residence?
  • What is the location where people make their reservations?

By categorizing passengers into market segments, you may tailor your communications to each section of your target audience and identify other passengers who have similar characteristics to them.

3. Develop a unique voice and style for your organization.

Another important component of your hotel marketing strategy is a clear and persuasive description of your property's brand, its position in the market, and what differentiates it from competitors. So, do you want to be a button-down inn or a button-up boutique? To the extent possible, your brand should be the driving force behind all of your marketing assets, including anything from internet marketing resources to print collateral and email marketing campaigns.! Your protocols of voice and style  must be displayed for the customers to know your strategies by using vivid products like vivid banners. https://www.vividads.com.au/products/vinyl-banners

4. Develop an online presence for your property.

An online presence, in contrast to a static brochure, should be updated with fresh content regularly. A few examples include seasonal sales, revisions to the Covid-19 rules, and information about upcoming events, to name a few. Travelers now want hotel websites to be easy to use and to be formatted for any screen size, as well as to give real-time price and availability information, among other things. Otherwise, it's time to start from scratch or to build a commission-free booking engine on your website. For inspiration, have a look at these stunning hotel website designs and themes.

5. Invest in high-quality photographs.

Thanks to today's smartphone technology, almost anybody can capture breathtaking photographs. However, professional photographers should be hired to shoot your website, OTA listings, and other marketing materials to ensure that your facility is distinguished as the best hotel choice in its category. Examine the portfolios of photographers who have a great deal of expertise in shooting hotels. Evaluate their price and licensing policies, and commission a combination of lifestyle and architectural pictures. Display photographs using vivid posters: https://www.vividads.com.au/products/posters.

6. Make use of search engine optimization to improve the number of visits to your website.

Will they come if you put up a structure? Some may succeed, but you'll need to use a variety of marketing strategies to get the big number of visitors that your website needs to be successful. Organic (non-paid) visitors have a big purpose in mind when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is the process of organizing website material to increase visibility and rankings in search engines. Keywords, titles, descriptions, tags, and links are all used in this process. Although it is recommended that SEO be left to the pros, if you want to give it a go yourself, our hotel SEO guide will get you started in the right way in the right manner.

7. Make the most of the opportunities presented by content marketing.

Another strategy for acquiring organic traffic is via content marketing. It might be as simple as posting information on your website or blog that supports travelers in organizing their vacation and making the most of their in-destination experiences for hotels, to name a few possibilities. People are searching for popular topics, questions, and keywords related to your region, so use Google's Keyword Planner to find what they are looking for. Following that, you may promote your content using social media and email marketing.

You'll find the best attractions and experiences for your family and friends in your area, as well as information on local events and restaurants. The stories and films of your property's behind-the-scenes activities Content from the tourist industry that has the potential to captivate future visitors. Contests and incentives on social media, such as enticing people to upload and tag images or videos for a chance to win a free stay, are becoming more popular...

8. Set up a Google Business profile for your organization.

In addition to hotel websites and online travel agencies (OTAs), Google Business Profiles get a significant amount of traffic (previously called Google My Business). Google Search results, Google Maps, and hotel listings are all populated with information from profiles like this. This means that you must claim your free profile, complete it with high-quality photographs and information about your location, services, and facilities (as well as keep track of your Google reviews), and maintain track of your Google reviews. Also, don't forget to activate your free booking links to boost the visibility of your website and lead people to your website. . You can use products from Vivid for the brochures or pamphlets or flags to be distributed to visitors here: https://www.vividads.com.au/

9. Make a financial commitment to metasearch and search engine marketing.

Besides organic and paid search, paid advertising is an essential component of the hotel's digital marketing mix. By bidding on highly targeted keywords via Google Ads or Google Hotel Ads, you may compete with online travel agencies (OTAs) and large hotel brands to appear at the top of search results for a very little investment. Online travel metasearch engines like Tripadvisor, Kayak and Trivago are very effective in generating direct bookings. This Google Hotel Ads guide will provide you with all of the information you want.

10. Incorporate social media marketing into your strategy.

Using social media to share travel experiences and learn about new destinations has become more popular among travelers. With captivating images, videos, clips, and anecdotes, Facebook and Instagram are low-cost options for hotels to connect with travelers and interact with them regularly. Create content that encourages sharing and make use of hashtags, contests, special offers, and sponsored adverts to broaden your audience's reach and exposure. Visit this page for more information on social media marketing strategies.

11. Take a look at TikTok.

TikTok has taken the world by storm in recent years, attracting more than one billion monthly active users worldwide. Users often submit short films that include music, dancing, and other forms of entertainment, and good movies have the potential to become viral on social media. However, although the app is especially popular among young people, its user base is growing across all generations, and it may be a fun and novel way to show off your house to potential buyers. Take some time to watch some well-known videos before bringing out your phone and going on an exploration. Display tik tok hashtags ists with vivid banners https://www.vividads.com.au/products/pullup-banners

12. Make use of influencer marketing to extend your audience's exposure.

Because of their large and loyal followings, social media influencers have considerable power when it comes to influencing behavior and creating positive impressions. Influencers may be able to assist hotels in increasing their exposure and increasing their followings. While dealing with large influencers might be expensive, many "micro-influencers" may be willing to promote your hotel in exchange for a free night's stay and meals at your establishment. Look for travel influencers that are enthusiastic about the subject and have significant followings.

13. Use email marketing to remain at the top of your customers' minds.

When it comes to creating direct bookings and extra revenue, email marketing is a low-cost, highly targeted strategy. Gather email addresses from your hotel guests, as well as permission to send promotional messages, to establish a database of potential customers. Create tailored email offers and incentives to entice OTA visitors to book directly for their next stay, fill in the gaps in available dates, and make bookings for their future stays. A pre-stay email may assist you in gaining more revenue via upsells, activities, and restaurant reservations, so enhancing your profitability. More information about hotel email marketing may be found in this guide to the subject.

14. Experiment with video marketing to see how it works.

Although YouTube has over 2.3 billion monthly viewers globally, many hotels overlook or underutilize this powerful advertising platform, despite its enormous potential. In addition to YouTube, popular video marketing channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are also available. Create a YouTube account for your property and keep an eye out for stories that might be used to capitalize on the opportunity. When creating films, pay great attention to the lighting, perspective, sound, and after-effects to ensure that your film is both fascinating and professional in appearance.

To increase the number of good ratings you get from your visitors, you should:

  • It is internet reviews that serve as the secret sauce for earning travelers' trust and increasing conversion rates for hotel marketers.
  • If your hotel, inn, or hostel does not manage its online reputation on Google, Tripadvisor, online travel agencies, and other travel sites, you are missing out on a plethora of user-generated content and social validation opportunities.
  • Sending post-stay feedback requests to guests, responding to problems as soon as they arise, and designating members of your hotel management team to respond to reviews within three days is an examples of proactive customer service management.

16. Make use of augmented reality to showcase your home.

Augmented reality (AR) is the addition of digital components to a real-world environment, such as labels, symbols, sounds, and links to other real-world settings. The hotel room and premises may be toured with the use of a smartphone camera, and guests can get messages alerting them to amazing prices at the hotel's restaurant, bar, and retail malls. Some of the world's largest hotel corporations are making considerable investments in augmented reality. Small companies may get in on the action by investigating how to use augmented reality in their marketing and visitor experience strategies.

17. Make your visitors brand ambassadors by providing them with incentives.

Visitors who are pleased with their experience may be a powerful sales and marketing force, but they may want a little encouragement to tell their friends and family about their positive experience. Depending on your business, this may take the shape of an after-stay email asking for an online review, a selfie spot on property urging people to upload photographs on Instagram with your branded hashtag, or a request for a testimonial on your website from a happy couple. The greater the number of surprises and delights your visitor experience, the greater the number of brand advocates you will recruit. Please express your gratitude for their support in spreading the message.

18. Form strategic connections with local businesses.

When we work together, we are more powerful. By developing alliances with other companies that share your marketing objectives, you may maximize your marketing effectiveness. For example, engaging with local activity providers to create unique tour packages or arranging special pricing and discounts with nearby restaurants, retailers, florists, and transportation providers are examples of what you may expect to see. Make it easier for your partners to succeed by blogging about them on your website and asking for reciprocal connections.

19. Make it known where you're going.

They say it's about the journey, not the destination, but in the world of hotel marketing, it's all about the destination. When visitors arrive at your website, you can't assume they've already made up their minds about where they want to go; you must sell them on both the hotel and the location. Participate in a local tourism association or destination management organization to get support (DMO). Members are often included on DMO websites, where they have access to destination photographs, films, and visitor data, as well as the opportunity to participate in regional campaigns and campaigns in other countries.

20. Make special offers available for events held in the area.

Local events may bring a significant number of overnight visitors to a particular place, providing lodging companies with a chance to promote awareness and reserve rooms at a time when demand is high. The following are examples: festivals, concerts, sporting competitions, conferences, and seasonal events such as spring break and the Christmas holidays. Put events on your marketing activity calendar, create packages and promotions around them, list upcoming events on your website, and promote them on social media to maximize your profits.

21. Create a customer loyalty program to reward consumers who come back again and again.

There are many different types of loyalty programs, and they are not confined to huge hotel chains. The most profitable customers for all types and sizes of properties are usually those who come back again. Set up a straightforward, low-cost customer loyalty program to recognize and reward loyal consumers with further incentives, enhancements, and indulgences. The use of an effective property management system may aid you in recognizing repeat visitors so that you can develop a plan for your personnel to welcome them back and treat them differently. Emails sent after a customer's stay may be an effective tool for marketing your incentive program and motivating them to come back. . Let your visitors know about your loyalty programs by displaying an attractive banner with vivid images such as https://www.vividads.com.au/products/fabric-banners

22. Provide commercial services to guests from business organizations.

The line between business and leisure travel is getting more blurred as more remote workers, digital nomads, and work vacationers check into hotels for extended stays and blend work and pleasure. Promote features that are important to these types of visitors, such as high-speed internet access, spacious work areas, conference spaces, special prices for extended stays, and food and beverage discounts. Your property will be seen by more travel agencies and corporate travel planners if it is listed on the Global Distribution System (GDS). You will also be able to increase the number of business travelers that visit your establishment.

23. Take advantage of storytelling strategies in your writing.

Instead of just listing features and benefits, great marketers combine them into compelling stories that fascinate the audience while motivating them to take action on the information. Hotels have a plethora of stories to tell, and social media has provided them with new venues and audiences to share those stories with. Use narrative strategies and visual elements in your marketing materials to distinguish yourself apart from the competition and create a sense of mystery, excitement, and anticipation for your product or service. Tourists should be encouraged to share their holiday experiences on review sites and social media platforms as well.

24. Examine the profiles of your hotel's internet travel agencies.

Since when have you taken the time to peruse your online classified advertisements? Content may get stale over time and from season to season, and this can have a direct impact on conversion rates if left unchecked. It takes more than simply managing price and availability to be successful in the online travel agency (OTA) space; it also takes regular optimization of OTA listings to include the most current images, descriptions, amenity information, and traveler ratings. A channel manager will make the process simpler by allowing you to manage many distribution channels from a single dashboard, which will save you time and money. Display your hotels name outside of your organization and on the streets using outdoor display products like https://www.vividads.com.au/products/coriflute-signs-deals

25. Visitors should have access to a digital guide, which should be made accessible.

Become a resource for your guests while they explore your property and the surrounding area. When you create a local guide for them that contains answers to commonly asked questions about their stay and the surrounding area, you will be doing them a fantastic favor. Ideas for things to do and eat should be included in the guide, as should instructions for necessary services such as a pharmacy, post office, and grocery store. You may post the guide on your website, give it to guests as a link or pdf in pre-stay emails, and include it in your hotel app or digital directory to enhance the functionality of the app or directory.

26. Encourage people to be good stewards of the environment.

According to a recent poll conducted by Virtuoso, 82 percent of customers said that the outbreak has prompted them to desire to travel more responsibly as a consequence of the situation. Using your website and guest directory to promote your property's eco-friendly efforts, you can help the environment while also attracting environmentally concerned visitors. Promote participation in on-property waste reduction and energy-saving initiatives as well as recycling and composting as well as community support programs. After that, you may keep your blog and social media accounts up to date with your progress.

27. Create a public relations plan for your company.

Promoting your resort and company, as well as reaching out to visitors via articles, blogs, films, and other news sources is a great tool to use. Create a public relations plan that describes your objectives, the stories you want to tell, and the media outlets you want to reach out to, among other things. Make sure to provide a method for assessing performance in your presentation. Consider cooperating with a public relations professional to profit from their knowledge and connections.

28. Make advantage of marketing tools whenever possible.

Increase your productivity and measure your return on investment by using the many technologies available to aid hotel marketers in their endeavors. Several free marketing tools, such as Google Analytics and Keyword Planner, are made available by Google to its users. Email automation software, online reputation management tools, social media management software, video editing software, and graphic design software are some of the paid options available to users. Make a banner of your new offline and online  marketing tools  by using products such as https://www.vividads.com.au/products/vinyl-banners

29. Adjust your pricing strategy by the seasons, if necessary.

Pricing will always be a major factor in determining which hotel to choose, no matter how wide a range of interests and preferences exist among visitors. Make certain that your revenue management approach includes a dynamic pricing plan to gather as many reservations as possible at the most competitive prices feasible. This strategy entails maintaining a flexible rate structure and adjusting pricing and stay constraints in response to changes in internal demand, market conditions, and competition activity, among other things. The use of this strategy will ensure that you are always charging the appropriate price to the appropriate visitors at the appropriate time.

30. Improve visitor service by using instant messaging technology.

Travelers in the digital era aren't interested in standing in line or waiting on hold for answers to their questions. Maintaining an active presence on messaging channels such as SMS, Messenger, and WhatsApp may help hotels enhance service by ensuring that customers get the information they want when they require it. Thanks to automated answers and warning methods, customers may get a rapid response to their inquiries even when the staff is overloaded.

31. Use a chat widget or a chatbot on your website to communicate with your visitors.

Individuals have grown to expect website chat widgets as a convenient way to communicate with hotels, and they are cropping up all over the internet. A chat widget may assist you in engaging visitors on your website, answering their questions, and nurturing them through the booking process so that they make a direct booking. Employee availability is a major source of worry for many businesses. A chatbot can provide speedy solutions to basic problems, enabling your staff to concentrate on more complex tasks.

32. Create add-ons, bundles, or extras that complement your existing offerings.

Bundling services such as meals, parking, gasoline, and activities into packages is an excellent method to show value while also generating more revenue for a business enterprise. Packages that cater to diverse sorts of travelers include bed-and-breakfast, romance, spa, gourmet, and shopping packages as well as packages based on seasonality, special events, and local experiences, among other options. Include extras and add-ons that your competitors don't provide, such as free parking, room service discounts, and late checkout, to show your commitment to providing value to your customers. Your  adds, bundle or extras should be accessible to your employees and customers , which you can display on Vivid counters https://www.vividads.com.au/collections/promotional-counters/.

33. Provide personalized welcome presents as a part of your welcome package.

Souvenirs from travel excursions are a favorite pastime for many people. By providing them with a branded welcome gift or amenity, you will keep them reminded of their visit long after they have checked out, and you will encourage them to come back again and again. Select an appropriate gift that symbolizes the quality of your establishment and elicits memories of your stay. Every time a branded item, such as a hat, pen, or magnet is used, guests will be reminded of their trip. Display welcoming packages for new guests at the entrance using products from outdoor display vivid such as https://www.vividads.com.au/products/coriflute-signs-deals

34. Offline marketing may help you build your brand's power.

However, even if the bulk of vacation planning is now done online, don't overlook the advantages of physical marketing for your resort. A few examples are print advertisements in publications such as newspapers and magazines, billboard advertising, and event sponsorships. Because consumers are unable to "click" on these adverts, it does not follow that they are having no effect.

35. Keep a close watch on what your competitors are doing.

Keeping a tight check on the activity of competitors is another vital, yet often missed, marketing strategy to use. Among the things that may be done include comparing website information, checking reviews, and comparing prices. To ensure that you are always in the right location at the right time and that you do not miss out on opportunities, share your findings with your team and make use of them. Using a rate shopping tool, you can keep track of what your competitors are charging and change your pricing to maximize your profits.

36. Engage your employees in this process.

Lastly, but certainly not least, don't overlook your most potent brand ambassadors: your employees. It is they who are the most knowledgeable about your hotel and its customers. They may all help with the dissemination of your brand's content and marketing efforts. Encourage them to help spread the word by providing them with guidelines for sharing materials, encouraging them to contribute marketing ideas, and recognizing them for providing excellent visitor feedback on your website.

Finding out who your target audience is and what your goals are are the first steps in developing a successful hotel marketing plan. Keep in mind that your message will be different for foreign visitors than it would be for locals, so keep that in mind when you build your marketing approach for them.

After you've identified your target audience, it will be easier to narrow down your objectives and create realistic targets for achieving them in the future. In addition to increasing the amount of bookings you get, a well-thought-out approach may also help you raise brand awareness and manage your reputation. Use products from Vivid for the arrangement of events like lunches with donors or partners; products like: https://www.vividads.com.au/collections/light-boxes-australia

37. Make an investment in the search engine optimization of your website (SEO).

If you didn't have Search Engine Optimization, your hotel's website would be just as good as if it didn't exist at all, according to some. Given that 75% of travellers begin their search for a hotel on a search engine, you have a captive audience that you can tap into if your website is properly optimised. This is why it is so critical to invest in search engine optimization tools for your website. Begin by doing extensive keyword research to have a better understanding of what your target audience is looking for. Create compelling content by including keywords that are relevant to your hotel and surrounding region. Also important is that your website is mobile-friendly and loads swiftly on a variety of devices. Use vivid products to share your Google sheets, calendars, and other documents in meetings, such as https://www.vividads.com.au/products/fabric-banner-stand

Another crucial component of SEO is link building, and there are few better methods to do this than by collaborating with online travel agencies (OTAs) and metasearch engines, which are among the first places travellers go for information. In addition to increasing awareness and helping your website rank higher in organic search results, this kind of link-building will also assist you in increasing direct reservations via your website.

38. Don't undervalue the significance of data collection.

Today, data is readily accessible, and leveraging it to make data-driven choices is one of the most effective hotel marketing tactics available to businesses. In addition to Google Analytics, which can help you analyse how visitors interact with your website, the most effective channels for generating reservations, and the demographics of your target audience, there are a number of other valuable tools available. In addition, a property management system that helps you to identify your unique target groups based on an examination of your current client base is a crucial tool. Furthermore, the data that a PMS's hotel revenue management software, such as Mews', has access to is very useful since it can be used to optimise inventory and maximise profitability in the hotel industry. Furthermore, if you have a deep understanding of the data, you will be able to choose marketing messages that are suited for your aims.


39. Create a one-of-a-kind value proposition for your company or organisation.

Why should customers select your hotel above others when there is so much competition? Exactly this is when your distinct value proposition comes into play. Once you've identified what distinguishes you from the competition, you may utilise this knowledge to your advantage in your marketing efforts to differentiate yourself from the competition. Remember that each of your marketing initiatives should be distinct from the others.

The provision of excellent customer service should be at the centre of your value offer; however, you have the last say on how this is defined. Do you greet your clients with a one-of-a-kind drink as soon as they walk through the door? Do you have a bottle of wine or other local specialties waiting for them in their room if they arrive late?

Despite the fact that these "small things" will cost your hotel very little money, they will have a huge impact on the perception of your hotel in the eyes of your customers. Another benefit is the fact that it is free. The more well-behaved visitors are, the more probable it is that they will tell others about their travels, whether on TripAdvisor or via word-of-mouth recommendations. In any case, both will be beneficial to your company.

40. Reservations booked directly via the website should be rewarded.

Direct reservations are worth their weight in gold in the travel business since they avoid the need to split revenue with third parties, which is also beneficial to a hotel's bottom line profit margin. This is why it is critical to recognise and reward direct reservations as well as repeat visitors. Reduced prices, special discounts, upgrades, or even a little welcome gift in their room may all be used to demonstrate thanks to your customers and clients. Ensure your direct booking and repeat customers feel valued and appreciated in whatever you do so that they will want to return and encourage their friends to do the same.

41. Create a map of the customer's journey, complete with touchpoints, to better understand their needs.

Understanding the various stages of the customer's trip and developing a distinct message and plan to lure them in with your marketing efforts at each stage of the path are the goals of mapping the customer journey.

During the pre-trip process, make certain that they understand what distinguishes you from the competition, and provide them the opportunity to feel unique via upgrades and tweaks. Preparation is key. Make sure you're prepared to react to their inquiries, and have a chatbot accessible to answer the most commonly asked questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to avoid them being an impediment to booking.

Ensure that they have a wonderful time and get the finest possible customer service after they have arrived by having your team check in with them on a frequent basis to see how they are getting along with your company. After they've checked out, follow up with them to express your gratitude, get feedback, and provide incentives to have them book with you again.

42. Make use of social media to its full potential.

Social media, without a question, is one of the most significant channels you can utilise to market your brand and boost income for your business. Using a content calendar, you can ensure that you are producing compelling material on a regular basis. In order to effectively use social media marketing strategies to drive traffic to your website and increase direct bookings, you must be active on social media on a consistent basis.

Aside from that, you might utilise social media to enhance brand awareness, provide specials or promotions, and personalise your hotel by spotlighting big sustainability projects or key employees. You may see a significant rise in conversions if you use social media to attract travellers' attention. Engage in social media  by using products from events and exhibitions vivid such as https://www.vividads.com.au/collections/exhibition-backdrops

43. During the busiest time of the year, put money aside to grow your business.

Determine when your visitors are making reservations during the busy season and devote additional marketing resources to luring them to your establishment. You may use historical data to discover when your firm is busiest, most stable, and least active, and then alter your advertising budget as necessary to reflect these trends. People are less inclined to think about their Christmas vacation while they are sitting on a beach in the heat of summer; but, when the cold comes in during the autumn, they are more likely to start looking into it and making arrangements. Make sure you have enough advertising money put up throughout these periods in order to catch these consumers at the times when they are most likely to make a reservation.


Given the range of hotel marketing methods available, increasing brand recognition, increasing bookings, and increasing exposure are all viable options for increasing revenue. Assess your in-house capabilities and don't be afraid to hire additional staff to augment and extend your operations. You should expect favorable results from your hotel marketing activities to last for a long period. When it comes to reaching prospective guests and giving them a reason to select your hotel above the competition because of your unique value proposition, an effective hotel marketing plan is essential. 

Begin by determining who your target visitor is and which communication channels they prefer. This will allow you to focus your marketing efforts on contacting them via the channels that they prefer. While not complete, the tactics discussed above are unquestionably excellent tools for growing your company, increasing brand recognition, and increasing the number of reservations.

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